
473 Area Code

Area code 473 is in Grenada and some of the main locations it covers are Saint George's, Saint David's, Gouyave, etc. (jump to city list below).

In service date for area code 473: October 31, 1997.

The current time for places served by area code 473 is 06:19:39 PM (Atlantic Standard Time Zone).

Map of area code 473

Cities in area code 473

City1 County Time2
Gouyave Saint John AST
Grenville Saint Andrew AST
Hillsborough Carriacou AST
North Village Petite Martinique AST
Saint David's Saint David AST
Saint George's Saint George AST
Sauteurs Saint Patrick AST
Victoria Saint Mark AST
  1. Listed above are most places served by area code 473. When multiple places in a state/province share the same name we list the largest one only. Cities with population over 50,000 are displayed in bold text.
  2. AST stands for Atlantic Standard Time Zone (currently 06:19:39 PM).
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